This page is to interest and encourage you to read the Bible. Even if it is just a couple chapters a day, it will influence your life. Consider starting with first four books of the New Testament (the Gospels) then Proverbs, then the rest of the New Testament, then the Old Testament.
Like us, Bible characters had the same human nature, similar opportunities and challenges, and specific strengths and weaknesses.
Adam and Eve: Adam was created by God from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him. God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden where He created Eve. The serpent manipulated Eve’s ego, as Adam passively watched nearby, and they ate the forbidden fruit, which unleashed sin into the world. They had a troubled child who committed a terrible sin because of envy and anger. Genesis 1:26…
Noah: Built the Ark that saved his family and animals from the great flood, that God sent because of so much human corruption. God created the rainbow as a sign of His promise that He would never flood the earth again. He liked wine. Genesis 5:29…
Abram/Abraham: Was a faithful and successful man with family challenges. He had a tough conversation with his nephew, Lot, to seek peace between their people. Later, Abraham risked all, in a battle to save Lot. His wife Sarah struggled to conceive, and told Abraham to have a child with her maid, Hagar. When Hagar gave birth to Ishmael she had contempt for Sarah, which led Sarah to deal harshly with her. Hagar fled, but came back. Sarah finally gave birth to Isaac. God blessed both children. Abraham was tested by God. Genesis 11:27…
Jacob/Israel: Was a quiet man who stayed with the tents. His jealousy of his brother Esau (a skilled hunter) made Esau want to kill him, but their mom intervened. Jacob deceived his father, Isaac, and was later deceived by his father-in-law, Laban. Jacob served Laban for many years and grew their wealth over time. Jacob wrestled with God, and reconciled with Esau. Genesis 25:26...
Joseph: Was the favored younger son of Jacob. Joseph gave his father a bad report of his brothers, and told his family of a dream where they bowed to him. Most of his brothers hated him, and sold him as a slave to live in Egypt. Joseph was wrongfully imprisoned for sexual assault. His humility, honesty, and diligence got him released, and became a high government official. A famine came over the land and Joseph’s brothers came to buy food, and they bowed to Joseph, and later reconciled, and moved to be with him. Genesis 30:24…
Moses: Orphaned as a child and adopted by the Queen of Egypt, and learned the ways of the Egyptian royal family, during the time the Jewish people were enslaved by Egypt. Moses killed an Egyptian and fled. He reluctantly answered the call from God to go back and convince the Pharaoh of Egypt to free the Jewish people. He grew his faith as he served. He led his people out of Egypt, and parted the Red Sea. He received the Ten Commandments leading the people through the wilderness. Exodus… Listed in the “Hall of Fame” (Hebrews 11).
Deborah: A wife, prophetess, and a faith filled judge, who led Israel, before they had kings. She not only led and judged Israel for about 40 years, she even went to war with the leader of Israel’s army, to free their people. She gave God the glory. Judges 4 and 5.
David: The younger son of Jesse, a shepherd for his family’s sheep, and practiced a lot with his sling shot. David was anointed to be the next King of Israel, despite his father’s unbelief. David became an unexpected hero after he killed the giant Goliath, who defied the army of Israel. He became a successful army leader, but King Saul became jealous and tried to kill him. He fled, and took refuge with enemies. He eventually became a successful King. He made some terrible choices, and one of his sons tried to take his throne. 1 Samuel 16:1…
Solomon: Was asked by God what he wanted, and he just asked for wisdom to lead his people well. God gave him more than wisdom. His wisdom resulted in much love and respect. He wrote the Song of Solomon and finished God’s temple. 1 Kings 1:11…
Elijah: He confronted many false prophets, by himself, to show the people the power of the true God. Tried to influence King Ahab to turn to God, but his wife Jezebel worshipped idols, and wanted to kill Elijah. He was taken up into heaven by a whirlwind 1 & 2 Kings…
Nehemiah: Gave up a good life directly serving King Artaxerxes to go back to Jerusalem to help rebuild it. He became a leader and convinced other leaders to stop taking advantage of their own people. He had to avoid traps from tribal enemies. Nehemiah 1…
Esther: Lost both parents. Served King Ahasuerus. She learned that a King’s official, Haman, planned to kill all the Jewish people. She risked her life to stop the plan. Haman ended up hanging from the gallows that he had made to hang Mordecai, the Jew. Esther 1…
Job: A faithful, righteous, and successful man, who had many sudden tragedies that took his children, health, and wealth. His wife told him to curse God and die. His friends said he must have done something to deserve the tragedies. Job stayed faithful to God after many tough talks, but he did regret being born. God finally said Job didn’t deserve the tragedies, restored him, and rebuked his friends. Job 1…
Isaiah: Claimed many prophecies about Jesus. Like other prophets, he had some weird behaviors. Held the Kings, Priests, and the people accountable, and was often hated for it. He constantly called on people to worship God, not idols. Isaiah 1…
Daniel: A wise and faithful man who fearlessly honored God while he served a few different kings, over time. At one point, some of the King’s officials were jealous of Daniel and had him thrown into a lion’s den, but God delivered him unharmed. Daniel 1…
Mary and Joseph: Faithful parents of Jesus. Both were told about Jesus by an angel, but they humbly brought Jesus into the world. As a kid, Jesus strayed from them, and they found him three days later. Joseph taught Jesus carpentry skills. The Gospels…
Jesus: Faithful, humble, and courageous Son of God. He loved, cried, got angry, and spent time alone to pray. As He mentored, taught, loved and healed people, He grew a large following. He warned us of troubles in the world. As He claimed to be the Son of God and forgave people of their sins, it angered religious leaders, and they demanded the local authorities crucify Him. God raised Jesus from the dead after three days. He went to heaven soon after, and God sent us the Holy Spirit. Jesus redeemed humanity and paid for our sins, as the final sacrifice, fulfilling the Old Covenant. Jesus offers us the New Covenant, a new life, of eternity with God. The Gospels…
Simon/Peter: The rock. A fisherman first disciple with his brother of Andrew. Sometimes impulsive. When the religious leaders brought soldiers to arrest Jesus, Peter drew his sword and fought for Jesus, but Jesus stopped him. After Jesus was arrested, Peter went to find out what they were going to do with him, and people recognized Peter, but he denied knowing Jesus, three times. Jesus forgave him.
Saul/Paul: Was a Pharisee who persecuted Christians, until Jesus called on him. Most of the disciples did not first believe he converted. He served with humility and courage, despite being beaten and stoned. Traveled extensively to share the message of Jesus. Survived a shipwreck and the locals claimed he was blessed, then cursed, then blessed. He wrote more New Testament books than anyone.
John: Part of the inner circle of Jesus, with Peter and James. Recorded the life of Jesus focusing on love and His deity. The Gospel of John.
Matthew: Was a tax collector, a criticized job, but Jesus called on him anyway. Recorded the life of Jesus. The Gospel of Matthew.
Mary Magdalene: Jesus saved her from a hard life. She followed Jesus, witnessed His crucifixion and the first to witness His resurrection.
Nicodemus: Came to Jesus at night and said that he and other Pharisees believed Jesus was from God. Spoke up for Jesus. John 3 and 7.
Copyright (C) 2024, Jason A. Krause, All Rights Reserved.
While no one is perfect, we all have strengths and weaknesses. I put together a list of some Bible characters who portrayed some important strengths. I added Bible verses in hopes that anyone who might feel wanting in an area can read about it and be encouraged.
May you have faith of Abraham (Genesis 18:22-23, 21:2, and 22:11-14, and Romans 4:19-21).
May you have discernment and understanding of Joseph (Genesis 41:14-45).
May you have grace that was given to Moses (Exodus 1:15-2:10, 3:1-14, and 4:1-17).
May you have the heart of King David (1 Samuel 13:14, 17:1-51, and 26:1-25, and 2 Samuel 3:1).
May you have the wisdom of King Solomon (1 Kings 4:29-31 and 3:5-15).
May you have the character of Job (Job 1-3 and 40-42).
May you have the forgiveness given to Peter (John 13:38, 18:25-27, and 21:15-17, and Luke 22:50-51).
May you have the obedience of Paul (2 Corinthians 11:23-31 and Act 26:12-21).
May you feel the love of God (John 3:16 and Romans 8:38-39).
May you know the salvation of Jesus (Romans 5:19 and 10:9).
May you live with the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16, John 14:26, Romans 8:6-11, and 1 John 4:4).