If you have a desire to grow your relationship with God and have quality prayer time, but you feel like you don't have the right words to pray, consider this prayer. This Christian daily prayer might not be for everyone, but I'm sure it can help many people, maybe you? It is a good primer before I pray for what's on my heart. It takes about six to seven minutes to go through. I try to not pray like it is a repetitive chore. There are rare times I pray fast, when I am running late. I pray this prayer as intentional as possible, being aware of the weight of each word. I find it a good reminder of how our physical and spiritual worlds collaborate, and how God is in all things. The Bible verses are based on the King James Version (KJV).
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I believe in the Holy Triune of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and I believe the Bible is God’s word. The Bible says, God spoke the world into existence, God made us in His image, and there is power in our thoughts, words, and actions. I have faith in God, I know I am saved by His grace, in Jesus, who fulfilled the law for us. I know God gave us a spirit of power, love, and self-control, and offers the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us, but desires of our flesh are against the Spirit. I understand guarantees in life include change, challenges, opportunities, and choices. I repent of my sins, humble myself, pray, draw near to God, cleanse my hands, purify my heart, and ask for wisdom. I will be strong and courageous, submit to God, resist my flesh and adversary, and sanctify myself in truth.
Father God in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever (Mt 6:9-13). I praise You, and want to glorify You. I love You, trust You, and worship You. You are my fortress, my refuge, and my avenger. I know I am Your workmanship, and I will be open to waiting on You. I will pursue knowledge of Your word, Your ways, and myself, for favor with You and other people, and to be healthy. I am a light in the world and I will strive to be positive, calm, and clear. I will seek wisdom, with humility, integrity, courage, and caring. I know You give wisdom and from Your mouth come knowledge and understanding, and they are better than gold, and add years to my life, with peace. I understand You feel that deceptive practices are terrible, and You hate arrogance, lies, murder, who creates wicked plans, who does evil, a false witness, and who stirs up trouble between friends. I will guard my heart, thoughts, and words, knowing I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I will serve in the new way of the Spirit, for nothing can separate me from Your love through Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I declare You as my Lord and Savior, and I believe that You were raised from the dead by God. With Your crucifixion I put away my old self, and I crucify my pride, fear, and desires of the flesh. With Your resurrection I put on my new self with humility, courage, and desires of the Spirit. I am not condemned, but I am justified, redeemed, and free. With Your ascension I accept my place and power in You. As challenges arise, I will overcome and have peace in You, knowing You overcame the world. I will strive to do what’s right, to apply love and discernment with humility, and a positive and grateful attitude, knowing light dawns in the darkness for the upright. In You, I am forgiven and I am a citizen of heaven. I will strive to forgive, speak life, help build people up, be diligent, and work as if unto the Lord. I know I am a spirit with a soul in a body, and I am God’s temple for the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirit, I accept your help to guide my choices. Greater is the Holy Spirit in me, than me in the world. I will grow myself and grow in fellowship with people. I will strive to improve my thoughts, knowledge and emotions, being quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger, which gives understanding. I understand the wise are careful but the foolish are careless, and desire without knowledge is not good. I understand people who hate stir up anger, but love covers offenses. I will strive to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, and exercise kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. I will strive to help people as I have opportunity, andwalk in the light, with humility, guided by the golden rule and the silver rule. I am grateful for my life, and for the good things to come. I am worthy.
I will be strong in the Lord and put on the armor of God. I know the plans and hands of the diligent bring abundance, but the love of money is the root of many evils. I will strive to not be conformed to the world, but to be transformed by renewing my mind and discerning God’s will. I am not fearful, I am powerful, loving, and self-controlled. I will strive to live with grace and truth, make the best use of my time, pray, and keep alert with perseverance. I am hopeful and capable, and I will strive to strengthen my faith, spirit, mind, body, and fellowship, and seek the truth and speak the truth in love. I am loved by God and Jesus, and I am blessed. Great is God’s steadfast love and faithfulness. I will love God and people, be steadfast, proclaim the gospel, and help people. Father God, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, for your glory. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
Copyright (C) 2016, Jason Krause, All Rights Reserved
The Key Bible Verses book is free to download or print out for personal use (no email necessary).
It includes the Scripture Foundation Guide, the Christian Wisdom Guide, the Christian Daily Prayer, 10 Key Christian Beliefs, 20 Key Bible Characters and Story Highlights, and 60 Encouraging Bible Verses.
Key-Bible-Verses-2 (pdf)
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Guarantees in life include change (Pro 27:1), challenges (Jn 10:10 and 16:33), opportunities (Gal 6:10, Eph 5:15-17 and Lk 8:15), and choices (Gen 1:27-28, Pro 18:21, Ro 12:2, Gal 5:16, and 2 Cor 10:5).
It is an honor to be able to regularly spend time with God and read the Bible.
Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face (Ronald Reagan).
The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices. God gives us the capacity for choice. We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes — and we must (Jimmy Carter, Nobel Speech).
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If you are interested in a personal and professional development book with some leadership and business development tips (including innovation), consider my book Opportunity Truth.