Key Bible Verses
Strengthen your faith with inspiring Bible verses
Key Bible Verses
Strengthen your faith with inspiring Bible verses
Strengthen your faith with inspiring Bible verses
Strengthen your faith with inspiring Bible verses
The Key Bible Verses book is free to download or print out for personal use (no email necessary).
It has many pages with helpful Bible verses on key topics, including...
10 Key Christian Beliefs, 25 Key Bible Characters, The Christian Wisdom Guide, Encouraging Bible Verses, Scripture Foundation Guide, and a Daily Prayer.
Key-Bible-Verses-2 (pdf)
DownloadOver 75 percent of the population on earth claim to believe in one of the four largest religions. All four of the largest religions believe humans are naturally sinful, or depraved, and in need of personal and spiritual growth, which is why they have sacred documents with lots of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom. All four of the largest religions teach us that we can improve our lives through wisdom, caring, and courage.
Spiritual growth doesn’t have to focus on a specific religion, though that could help, because there are many people who have studied religions and can help you learn quicker and better, instead of taking the time to figure it out on your own. If you are new to Christianity, or just here out of curiosity, I recommend reading the page, Is Jesus the Son of God? I believe this is the most important question we could answer, along with, Is God Real? I spent a lot of time thinking and studying these questions.
Religions have proven principles that have helped people live better lives for centuries. Of course, religion is led by humans, who all have their own strengths and weaknesses. Jesus was the only perfect human to ever walk the earth. Even the VIPs of the Bible had weaknesses and made mistakes. But God forgave them and helped them, as they repented and were willing. Check the Key Bible Characters page.
Christianity is the largest of the major religions on earth. Christianity is based on the Bible, which claims over 1,000 times that it is from God (search a digital Bible for phrases like "says the Lord," "declares the Lord," or "word of the Lord").
If you are not yet interested or ready to read the entire Bible, the Key Bible Verses pdf is the next best thing. Or, if you want to read some great chapters in the Bible I would recommend these terrific twelve Bible chapters...
The Bible can be considered a history book, from God. No respectable historian discounts the Bible as a credible historical document. The Old Testament was written by more than 40 people, on continents, over the course of more than 1,000 years. But, all the books in the New Testament were written in less than 100 years. Many people also consider it our manual for life.
Inside the Bible's pages are the answers to all the problems that mankind has ever known (Ronald Reagan).
The books of the Bible include priceless and timeless truths, including the nature of God (Psalms 117 and Proverbs 6:16-19), how God created humans (Genesis 1:26, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, & 2 Timothy 1:7), human nature (Galatians 5:16-26), the natural laws God created on earth (Romans 1:18-20), and many helpful principles around these truths(2 Timothy 3:16-17).
The Bible also says we all struggle with sin (Romans 3:23) that is rooted in our desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). That we have spiritual adversaries (Ephesians 6:12) who accuse and deceive (Revelations 12:9-10), steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). The Bible also gives us ways we can resist our desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:17 & 22-23) and ways to resist our spiritual adversaries (Ephesians 6:14-17, John 10:10, & 1 John 4:4).
Best of all, the Bible tells us that God is not partial and does not favor one person over another (Romans 2:11), and nothing can separate us from God's love through Jesus Christ (Romans 8:38-39), who paid for our sins so we could have eternal life with God (John 3:16), and who calls us to a good life (Matthew 5, 6, & 7), to love God and other people (Matthew 22:37-40), and have faith in God (Mark 11:22 & Romans 10:17).
My concern is not whether God is on our side. My concern is to be on God's side, because God is always right (Abraham Lincoln).
The Way: Live, Learn, and Love
With grace and truth, the better our lives will be.
Individually and collectively, apply them and see.
With caring and courage, the more we know.
Individually and collectively, apply them and grow.
With love and wisdom, we improve humanity.
Ideally and practically, working towards unity.
With our words and actions echoing in eternity.
- Jason A. Krause
Many people are interested in what the Bible says but they feel like they don't have time to read it, or they are intimidated at the thought of reading through the entire Bible. The Key Bible Verses book and this website, can be the next best thing to reading the Bible or listening to sermons.
If you are interested in reading the Bible, I would recommend starting with the New Testament, then I would consider the book of Proverbs, as that has a lot of practical wisdom. Then finish the rest of the Old Testament.
My favorite Bibles are the Life Applications Study Bible, the Apologetics Study Bible, and the English Standard Version (ESV) Study Bible, because they provide helpful notes about important verses. There are even study Bibles with helpful notes just for men, women, teens, and some popular careers.
Faith comes by hearing the word of God (Ro 10:17).
This website has great pages to help you with important Bible verses on key topics.
My favorite pages are… Is God Real? and Is Jesus the Son of God?
The Encouraging Bible Verses page has 60 of the best encouraging verses.
The Christian Wisdom Guide helps understand and navigate the world from a biblical perspective.
The Key Christian Beliefs provides verses on foundational Christian beliefs.
The Key Bible Characters provides highlights to the stories of 20 key Bible characters.
The Daily Prayer is about a 7 minute read, and a great way to start the day.
The Scripture Foundation has Bible verses for many key topics in life.
The Christian Resources page has a lot of links to Christian resources.
If this page was interesting or helpful please link to it and share it. Thanks!
Download or print your personal copy of the Key Bible Verses Book for free (no email necessary at this time). It includes many pages of this website.
Key-Bible-Verses-2 (pdf)
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This website is the result of many years of study and work and I currently personally pay for it. If this website is helpful, please consider supporting it with a donation of any amount. Your donation will not qualify for a tax deduction, but it will still be helpful and appreciated, especially if it is a recurring monthly donation. You can adjust the donation amount. Contact me if you want an address to donate by check or money order, have a question, or want to say thanks. Thank You.