We all have our own personal beliefs based on how we logically and emotionally process our experiences, also referred to as perspectives, or opinions. While there are very smart people who can dispute all of the following points that I make on this page, I want to share some of what I have learned about my faith, including evidence that God is real. I have been through some significant challenges and being analytical I dug into the question, "Is God real?"
Sections of this page include...
A quick consideration about the Bible... Respectable historians do not disclaim the credibility of the Bible as an accurate historical document, when compared to other popular (highly copied) historical documents. Some of them just don't believe the Bible is God's word.
Consider the free digital King James version Bible has over 1,000 verses that include... "saith the Lord" and "the Lord said." Download a digital Bible and do a quick search.
Heavenly suggestions that point to a God include, science has proven the universe is expanding. This means there must have been a point in history, when the universe began, from nothing.
The universe has many laws that are very orderly or fine tuned. One is that the earth is the perfect distance from the sun for the perfect climate. Another is that science has identified exactly where the gravity field begins, and if it was just one inch further away or closer, human life could not exist (there would be too much or not enough gravity).
Consider the fact that physics tells us energy sources are either increasing or decreasing, however, science tells us the sun has been burning steadily for billions of years!?!? I believe it is no accident that our solar system and planet are in a great position in the Milky Way Galaxy, on the outer edge of one arm, to have a clear view of the larger universe, so our scientists can study it.
Consider these amazing photos of the universe by the Hubble telescope... https://www.spacetelescope.org/images/
Or consider their videos like the Hubblecast 125 light gamma-ray burst video at...
Is God real? The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1).
Evolution claims to be based on survival of the fittest, and all life forms came from one simple single-cell, self-replicating organism that came from a lightning strike. Science has long tried to replicate this accident of electricity combining with some basic elements to create a living organism. Even if it did create a simple, single-cell self-replicating organism, the idea of a self-replicating organism evolving into a male and female that need each other to reproduce, is not survival of the fittest. Why would a self-replicating organism evolve into a male and female version to survive?
Science has proven that our bodies are made of basic elements found on earth, primarily oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and calcium. The Bible says God created man from the dust of the earth and breathed life into him (Genesis 2:7). There was no way the writer of Genesis could have known (on their own, over 2000 years ago) humans are made of elements found on earth. Microscopes were not invented until the 1600s.
Our conscious creativity to think into the future and to imagine different possible outcomes, to solve complex problems, and create sophisticated products and services is a reflection of God. The fact humans are creating an artificial intelligence that is significantly smarter than any human is great evidence we are made in the image of a great Creator. God created the universe (Genesis 1), and men and women in His image (Genesis 1:27). However, I wonder, is it wise to create an artificial intelligence that is a lot smarter than any human and expect that we can contain it and maintain control of it?
Morality seems to be an innate genetic imprint that people understand, though it often clashes with our desires of the flesh (Galatians 5). People have a notion of right and wrong, and have a conscience and are subject to guilt, shame, and regret, based on past actions. If we evolved from animals then our survival of the fittest evolutionary mind should not have a conscience. It seems the conscience goes against a survival of the fittest mentality. This is evidence that people have a desire for virtue is best explained coming from a good God. If people believe there are basic human rights that no other human should be able to take away, where do they think those rights come from? I submit every human begins life on a good foundation of free will and creativity, but the fall gave us selfishness, and desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). God offers to upgrade our heart and spirit (Ezekiel 36:26).
Other intelligent design considerations include the Cambrian explosion, where fossil records tell us many life forms suddenly appeared on earth. There are also many animals with traits or behaviors that make no sense from an evolutionary perception. Consider the narwhal, a cousin of the beluga whale who share the same territory, but the narwhal had to 'evolve' a tooth into a long three foot spiral horn? How about the beautiful butterflies, why did they start life as a caterpillar and have to go through a transformation to a butterfly? Why couldn't they stay a caterpillar, or just be born a butterfly? Why do eagles gracefully snatch fish from the water as they fly over the water, but the osprey dives completely under water to catch fish, then has to start to fly again when it floats back to the surface of the water? There are many very weird behaviors of earthly creatures that don't make any evolutionary sense, to me. Consider the 'programs' encoded in the DNA of animals that guide them to do great feats without first seeing them, like the Japanese puffer fish mating sand sculpture, or the cave dwelling glow worms that create sticky saliva strings to catch bugs. Consider the fact that some fields contain many different types plants with different sizes, shapes, and colors. This is evidence of a Creator who wants us to maintain our free will, but has given us indicators of His presence.
The last I checked National Geographic has a cool video of the Narwhal on YouTube. They also have a cool video of the worlds weirdest creatures, with some that seem to defy evolution.
There are doctors who have written books about unexplainable supernatural healing including Mind Over Medicine, You Are the Placebo, Miracles We Have Seen, Physicians’ Untold Stories, Quantum Healing, The Scalpel and the Soul, and Medical Miracles.
Pretty much every society had people who worshiped something. Is this an inherently internal desire? For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse (Romans 1:20). Thankfully, God eventually gave us the Bible, His word (which brave men died to get translated into English for us "common folk").
Quantum physic evidence there is a spirit realm, include the theory of unpredictability. Quantum particles don't 'behave' predictably which Einstein didn't like, and led him to make his famous comment, "God does not play dice." Einstein expected particles in motion to follow a predictable path. Some do, some don't. It's like some have a mind of their own. The quantum tunnel theory is when particles pass through a barrier. The quantum decoherence theory says natural elements are made of tiny living elements, until mankind takes these raw natural elements and creates an object from the elements, the particles in the newly created object stop their vibrating (living) state. "Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness with the universe" (Erwin Schrodinger). The Bible says for the invisible things of God from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and divine nature; so that they are without excuse (Romans 1:20).
Interested in reading about some evidence that Jesus is the Son of God?
We can discover truth, with science, personal experience, and our spirit.
Our truthview explains how we can know truth, and should be the foundation for beliefs and values, which should motivate all decisions. A person's truthview should be the foundation that shapes and guides beliefs, values, and personal standards.
Just out of curiosity, consider that most people believe everyone should have rights that no other person can take away. Where do they think these rights would come from?
I hope this page provided some compelling evidence you can feel comfortable sharing.
There are guarantees in life, including change, challenges, opportunities, and choices.
I believe God and Jesus are the greatest opportunity and choice.
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If you are interested in a personal and professional development book with some leadership and business development tips (including innovation), consider my book Opportunity Truth.